Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Temple of Gupo
The temple of gupo is where lily and snow flower meet and get their contract signed .This is the temple where Lily and Snow Flower visit each year and in this chapter they visit the temple ofr gupo to pray for sons. The altar has pairs of baby shoes which have been left by new mothers, and are there for expectant mothers to secretly "steal" for their new babies.
Who is telling the story in the temple of gupo ?
When and where is the story set ?
The story set in 19 century in china.
Whay is the main conflict in the story ?
The main conflict in the story is
Lily returns to see her parents after geeting marriage  and she and snow flower are working so hard to have baby. they visit togheter the temple of gupo after  to achieve pregnant so  they can pray for sons at the Temple.
What are the step  in the development of the plot?
 Lily returns to see her parents. They are happy to see her and receive her gifts, but she is angry inside for their deceit about Snow Flower. She rejects any affection from them and tends to her chores politely, but her mother finally accuses her of thinking she is too good for them. Lily and her mother, after exchanging painful digs of their nails, finally have it out, with Lily accusing her of lying, and her mother accusing herof being responsible for Beautiful Moon's death. Lily realizes her mother's intention shave always been selfish and warns her mother that she will not forget this. Lily keeps her distance from her mother and travels to her husband several nights a year.Lily's in-laws' home is beautiful, and she is happy, even now, to live there. Hermother-in-law is tolerable, but freely orders her around, and Lily obeys her, as isexpected. Lily meets other young women in Tongkou.During the annual visit to the Temple of Gupo with Snow Flower, the old sames discuss matters related to trying to get pregnant and challenges with their mothers-in-law, but they avoid the subject of Snow Flower's deceit. Snow Flower isclearly being worked too hard. Lily receives a note telling her Snow Flower is pregnant. Lily is humiliated not to be first. On her next conjugal visit, she makes apoint to try to get pregnant, at the risk of being reprimanded to get up and do herchores. She does become pregnant. Lily's knows her "worth is based entirely on the child growing inside" of her.She leaves her natal home to begin life with her husband's family, picking up SnowFlower on the way so they can pray for sons at the Temple. They leave fans with prayers, and both "steal" a pair of baby shoes from the altar. They share their favorite food at the taro stand and spend the night at an inn, where they happily sleep together once again. Lily is about to turn twenty years old.
What universal truth did you learn from story?
The principal truth that I learn form temple of gupo is the children love and friendship.

The Temple of Gupo Analysis
The two old sames' lives have changed forever now that they are pregnant. They are still naive and still want to remain close, but Lily's anger is seething over being deceived for so long. She realizes that her mother is, and has always been,manipulating and conniving toward her own ends. Any mother love that Lily has tried to imagine was there from her mother may not ever have been genuine.Lily has taken her mother's abuse for years, but now digs her own fingernails into hermother's skin and warns her mother that Lily will have more power than her mothersome day.Lily is feeling more strength and assurance now that she is worth something, with a son in utero. She is feeling more mature, but the pain of her childhood has begun to manifest itself in the form of anger.
10 words and meaning
1-  Baffled  (totally bewilder)
2-  Chores (a routine)
3-  Devious (longer and less direct than the most straighforward way)
4-  Gaze (look steadily and intently)
5-  Flesh ( the condition of having ample fat on the body )
6-  Stifle ( prevent from breathing freely; suffocate)
7-  Jolted (an act of jolting)
8-  Beseeching (literary ask (someone) urgently and fervently for something)
9-  Unbearable (not able to be endured or tolerated)
10- Dowries (property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage)